If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest , if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my “FRIEND” u r the “BEST”!!!!!!!!!
Happiness cannot be found when you seek it or yourself but when you give it to other,s it will find it,s way back to you , that is the mystery of happiness it grows when shared,,
human can live about twenty day,s without food, about three day,s without water , five minute,s without air but not for one second without hope allway,s be hopeful
╰♡ ★ ★╰╮★ ★ ♡╮ We should keep our thoughts positive because, our thoughts become our words. We should Keep our words positive because, our words become our behaviors. We should Keep our behaviors positive because, our behaviors become our habits. We should Keep our habits positive because, our habits become our values. We should Keep our values positive because, our values become our destiny. We should keep fighting 2 achieve our destiny because, it will prove wat we are!!! ">http://images.crystalscomments.com/6/6924.gif" border="0"/>
never let the fear of failure be an excuse for not trying , society tell,s us that failure is the most terrible thing in the world , but i knw it is not , failure is part of what makes us a human
the woman is the ray of sunshine for the man every morning when he wakes up … a woman loves affection … a woman needs a lot of attention, a woman is a rare flower … a woman is free to decide her life … if you respect a woman, ♥♥it will give you love♥♥
a real man knows the difference between a real woman and a girl at random .. a real man does not break it ‘s promises .. a real man does not just think about sex .. a real man does not ask questions when you say you need something .. ♥♥a real man respects all women ♥♥
never walk away from someone you love, if you see some fault,s be patient and realise that no one is perfect ,its affection that matter,s and not perfection