Masalalu..mungkin bs ku aku sudah jauh berlalu..tinggalkan kisah semu.,,.
Ketika kamu hadir dan memberiku sejuta harapan..
i miss you
Plz cmback soon
aslamualaikum..sore gi apa...rilex..
the morning is just a few moment away. Go to sleep and when u wake up,,rememberme as a friend who is always there for u and never let u down.good night my dear frnd
aslmalikm mat malam gmna kbrnya sbk yah..?
lama tak brcnd kngn juga yah..
asalamualaikum hatur nuhun ,terimakasih..4 me add
Sorry say,,,,pls w ludesssss,,,,kpn2 w epun lg,,,i love u,,,,!!!
W ga ska fb,,,say,,,,,heeeeeeee
Cie,,,,,,yg lg ska sma s'sorg,,,,,Q ga da fb yank,,,mls ska ownskin,,,,,