I‘m lost in your dreams, during the days, and coz of that ,i can‘t feel the sun‘s rays, I‘m lost in your dreams, even at night, and coz of that ,i can‘t see themoon light, I‘m lost in your dreams, for months together, and coz of that, i can‘t feel the changing weather, So dear now i can‘t leave you coz, Without U my life is “Blue“,.
Hello dEar, tHouGh miLeS mAy liE bEtwEen uS, We aRe nEveR tRulLy apArt..f0r friEndShip iS nEveR c0uNt by miLes. We mAy be vEry buSy but if evEr theRe c0meS a dAy we'rE n0t t0gEthEr, kEep me in y0ur hEaRt i'Ll alWayS bE tHere.. TaKe caRe dEar y0u aRe pReci0us.. aCe