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11 سنة

11 سنة


11 سنة

11 سنة

11 سنة

Throw me a line here,
Or there,
Thats not what i meant,
Throw me a line not a line,
Not that line,
Lets not go into this any more,
Just throw me a line,
Not that one.

11 سنة
Good morning...

11 سنة

11 سنة

11 سنة

11 سنة

ĦąÞÞÝ ѓÔŚξ Ďãỵ

11 سنة

Good morning...
have a nice day

11 سنة

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت
11 سنة

‘Twas deep; so deep of night,
When I saw what I had seen -
So truly deep of night,
When I went where I had been,
And really deep of night,
When I heard what I had heard:
Perhaps a fox or badger,
Or a sort of night-time bird.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas late that night of nights,
When something there was there -
So very late that night of nights,
Where that thing was where -
'Twas deep of night of nights,
When it ran to where it ran:
Perhaps a stoat or Billy goat,
Or ghostly little man.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of nights,
When something scary caused a scare -
So late of night of night of nights,
When something hairy raised my hair -
The deep of night of night of nights…
So don't you wonder what it was?
Well I never really truly saw it -
Why? Because because!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of night of nights
Oh I've had enough!
Night night.

11 سنة

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Im<br/><br/>age and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
11 سنة
مركز تحميل الصور

Have A Nice Day

مركز تحميل الصورazoza مركز تحميل الصور

11 سنة

11 سنة
مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت
11 سنة

School is like a prison
We can’t leave,

School is like an island
We are all trapped,

School is like a pie
It is good at first until you reach the crust,

School is like a toilet
It is full of germs,

School is like a salad
You have to put something on it to make it better,

School is like a stupid cat
It never dies,

School is like a garbage truck
It smells, it’s big and you can smell it from a mile away,

School is like a baby
It always needs your attention,

School is like a shark
It just keeps chasing,

School is like going to jail
You never want to go back,

11 سنة

School is like a prison
We can’t leave,

School is like an island
We are all trapped,

School is like a pie
It is good at first until you reach the crust,

School is like a toilet
It is full of germs,

School is like a salad
You have to put something on it to make it better,

School is like a stupid cat
It never dies,

School is like a garbage truck
It smells, it’s big and you can smell it from a mile away,

School is like a baby
It always needs your attention,

School is like a shark
It just keeps chasing,

School is like going to jail
You never want to go back,

11 سنة
~*~ Good Morning! ~*~

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