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qaseh47@DN'AT PanDa
18+    In the middle of nowhere...

About Me:

Tidak ada yang MUSTAHIL seperti Firman Allah S.W.T di dalam Surah Yassin Ayat 82: "Sesungguhnya keadaan kekuasaanNya apabila Ia menghendaki adanya sesuatu, hanyalah Ia berfirman kepada (hakikat) benda itu: " Jadilah engkau! ". Maka ia terus menjadi." Subahanallah Maha Suci Allah... "Berdiam tak beerti ku mengalah, menangis tak beerti aku berserah.. Allah yang menentukan, jodoh & ajal di tangan Allah.. Kalau dia jodohku, perpanjangkan jodoh kami Ya allah tapi kalau dia bukan jodohku, jauhkan dia dari diriku Ya Allah aku redha.. I will be strong to face this by my self even its tough for me.. Allah will show the right path to the person chosen" "Mencari KETENANGAN & KEREDHAAN ALLAH S.W.T." " Whys it that when some friends are in relationships they forget their single friends exist. But when their relationship is rocky they exists again." " Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." " For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it." "A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand..."
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Relation: Is a Secret
Mobile Operator: GSM
Phone Model: Wat ever it is
Company: Menghitung hari
Schools: Tak terkira
Fav. Celebrity: Rasulllah S, A, W,
Skinner Since: 15 years ago
Last Login: 8 years ago

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